
Posts Tagged ‘Smartphones’

Motorola Atrix 4G review — Engadget

It’s finally here — our Atrix 4G review! We know you’ve waited and wondered, and we’ve finally had enough time with the phone, laptop dock, HD / desktop dock, and all the accessories to give you a proper take on this utterly unique smartphone. Did we say smartphone? Really that’s not quite right, because the dual-core-CPU-sporting device actually does quadruple duty as a laptop, set top box, desktop computer, and… well, it works as a smartphone too. The Atrix 4G, which sports a 4-inch, 960 x 540 display, HSPA+ data, and a slew of other juicy specs is absolutely the first of its kind — a multi-use device intended to replace your netbook (and maybe more) via its Webtop environment. But can a phone be powerful enough to become your laptop or hub of your home theater? Is Motorola’s new phone set to be the king of the Android heap, or just another face in the crowd? All these questions (and more) will be answered in our full review… which you can read after the break!

Motorola Atrix 4G review — Engadget